This shirt has been makin the rounds and I know all us geeks have seen and swooned over it for a couple of weeks!! However, David Staffell artist/designer extraordinaire contacted me this morning just to let me know that his sweet AT-AT shirt was available over at Shirt Woot!! This is the first time an artist has contacted little ol' me...and I was thrilled. Not only cause this sh•t is b•tchin, but cause he's nicer than a summer mornin!! Go buy this shirt!! It's only 15 bones and one of the most original Star Wars Designs I've ever seen!!
David has a great website showing some of the other designs he's done. It's called INKSLIP and his designs are amazing and all on the geek tip!! Peep it and peep it HARD!!
Here is a another of my favorites David has designed!
Earth's Krust (I LOLLED)

YES! You are the most popular ever. Thanks for the links...I now need to go buy me a shirt....